Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What are your life dreams?

Hello Everyone!

Recently, I was informing you of my intentions to head back to Hungary, my heart for the people there, and of God’s handiwork in His direction for me. I am now in the thick of support raising. The burden that God has put on my heart for the people in Hungary is heavier, and His direction is also becoming clearer.  

I am so excited for what God is doing in Hungary! Daily, I find myself dreaming about being involved in ministry there and seeing young men and women commit their lives to Christ.  God in his abundance is molding this dream with one that my brother, Eric, and I have had for many years. That dream is to reach youth for Christ through soccer.  We are both so excited to be implementing a ministry called EDGE sports ministries, in Hungary.  More specifically it will be a soccer ministry that focuses on training and developing not only soccer skills but provides opportunities for non-believers to interact with believers in their community. Through weekly bible studies, invitations to youth groups/church functions and seeking out intentional relational moments at trainings, our hope is that God will transform the lives of young people in Hungary through sports.

A niche ministry, like soccer, is such a unique opportunity. In the USA we have so many options. Options to play sports at whatever level or commitment we desire. In soccer alone I think of countless options that include: YMCA, indoor, recreational, adult leagues, high school, university etc. The list is wide and the opportunities endless.

In Central & Eastern Europe this is not the case.  Sports are run through clubs. These clubs are not only costly but require performance and improvement. If you don’t impart either of these qualities then you get the boot. Needless to say, recreational options for students who enjoy a game, like soccer, is slim. For example, while Eric and I were serving in Budapest last year we got kicked off of at least 10 soccer fields because they cost money. During our time there we were unable to locate a field to play on for free.

Due to these dynamics Josiah Venture, my brother and I feel that niche sports ministries can thrive by meeting the needs that young people have.  Such needs include desire for community, encouragement, and opportunity. By reaching these things we can point them to their ultimate need, and that is a life giving relationship with Jesus Christ.

EDGE soccer ministries are currently starting in Poland and Slovenia.  Your prayers for these ministries, the leaders and their effectiveness are much appreciated.  Would you also pray for God’s providence and blessing for EDGE Soccer Hungary?  

Partner Development
This whole process of growing a support base is so new to me. Although difficult at times, God has been consistently developing me through this process. By the grace of God I find myself constantly becoming more confident in His plan and more bold in inviting you to be a part it. The dread I first experienced of making phone calls or one on one meeting has turned into an eager excitement to share about God’s goodness.  If that wasn't encouraging enough, your desire to partner with me, to pray for the ministry, and even commit your resources to what God is doing in Hungary are overwhelming.

At the times when I take my eyes off of God and find myself discouraged over the sacrifice and costs of where He is leading me I need a reminder.  A reminder of that dream. Not an imaginary dream or an unattainable one or anything of that sort.  Rather the dream of seeing young people commit their lives to Christ. Would you dream with me? Dream that God would take hold of the hearts of young men and women in Hungary and that a country would be transformed because of His goodness!

New Goals, Same Dream
Missionary Training International (MTI)! This is a four weeks missionary training conference in Colorado. This conference brings me yet another step closer to departing to Hungary. After hearing first hand from those who have been to the conference I have gathered how important the conference is before taking off on my mission to Hungary.  MTI will help prepare me for language learning, culture shock and invaluable training as I do missionary work abroad. I am currently scheduled for the January conference! Woohoo!!! Thus, February 2014 is my new goal for moving to Hungary!

Your partnership means the world to me. Would you pray for this new goal of February 2014? As we faithfully move toward this goal my needs remain the same. I request your help and partnership.Would you pray about partnering me through prayer, through connecting me to people you know, and/or through financial support?

Current Financial Situation

Outgoing Expenses: I am budgeted $19,000 for my outgoing expenses. This covers plane tickets, conferences, visas, relocation, etc. Outgoing expenses are one time gifts.  Out of the $19,000 to raise, I am currently at $3,851 (20% of my goal).

Monthly Salary: I am budgeted $3,000 for my monthly salary, which includes personal and ministry expenses. Personal expenses include: Food, rent, vehicle, phone, etc. Ministry expenses include: visa, travel, language learning, etc. Out of the $3,000 to raise, I am currently at $893 (30% of my goal).

God has been so faithful to provide for my financial needs. The selfless giving I have received overwhelms my heart. I ask that you would continue to pray that these financial needs are met byFebruary 1st! This is a big request, but we have a big God who is more than able!

Prayer Requests

- Pray for my new deadline (February 2014)
- Pray for more one on one meetings with potential supporters
- Pray that God would be working in the hearts of Hungarians
- Pray for the saints in Hungary, that they would take courage and be bold
- Pray that I would trust God and His perfect timing
- Pray that God would provide 3 businesses/owners willing to partner with this ministry

I am so thankful for your love and support. If you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to contact me (my info is below).

Life Update

Currently I am working at Ambassador Wealth Management. God graciously provided me with this job upon returning from Hungary back in December. Your prayers that God would provide natural connections at work to share about Christ and the ministry in Hungary would be much appreciated.

Since graduating from Concordia University in 2011, I have had the umbrella of student loans looming over me.Through a consistent work schedule and God’s provision I have 3/4 of them paid off!!! Yay!

I am learning not to take for granted the time spent with my family. Over the past couple of months some of the memories we have made include: my mother's graduation, dinner/movie nights, our first family garage sale, Saturday morning run/hangout, beach vacation, surfing, and so much more.

It is hard to realize now, but after spending 6 months abroad, I have gained a small glimpse of how difficult it can be living halfway across the world from the ones I love. I am so grateful for these moments.

I have absolutely cherished my one on one meetings with supportersGod has given me a desire for the people in Hungary to know Him and inviting you to share in that is an honor. I look forward to the many meetings to come.

God Bless,
Marc Meland, Josiah Venture
"Equipping young leaders in Eastern Europe to fulfill Christ's Commission"

Address: 3901 NE 41st St, Vancouver, WA 98661

Click on links below to follow me on...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Forget tunnel vision

Support raising is a bear.  Not sure why I chose this animal to convey my feelings on the matter.  I guess in my mind it just seems to fit.  Maybe I chose a bear because it is big, sturdy,  and hard to move... lol, or because it sleeps for months on end.  It can't be because it loves honey. Let's be honest, who doesn't?

I guess I chose a bear because I associate this animal with a big task... and support raising is a big task.  I am quickly discovering that this process involves many moving parts. And even though it feels big, I know that I have a God that is bigger, and a God that is faithful to provide. 

Maybe you can relate, but I struggle to trust God with certain things.  With support raising, I have found it hard to give God control of the outcomes. I get "tunnel vision" on my tasks, which opens the door to anxiety and worry.... not good.  I also like to plan and over analyze. I find myself asking what if?... I have found myself allowing "success" and "failure" (whatever that means) to define how I think of others, and even worse, how God views me.  Thinking that actions can increase or decrease God's desire for His beloved is just ridiculous.

This is something God has been convicting me on as of recently. Although it has been difficult to face, I have been refreshed by spending time with Him.  It is so good to be reminded of my identity in Him, through the Word of God.

On the flip side of things, my heart is overwhelmed by your love and support.  Over the past 3 weeks, I have had 10 meetings with potential supporters!!! This has for sure been the highlight for me.  There is something so exciting about sitting down with you and sharing about what God is doing in Hungary.  Being able to cast vision for God's plans for me in Hungary has been an honor and a privilege. I get so excited thinking about what God is going to do and having you involved in His mission with me is energizing.  

To say that I am stoked for the future times I have to share with others is an understatement.  I would love to sit down with you;  Even if you think that you have enough information or that you are already supporting what God is doing in Hungary... There is something so beneficial and encouraging about believers coming together, in fellowship, to praise a God who is at work among us!

As I am looking forward in anticipation, I find myself easily discouraged for where I am at now. In Hungary, God is opening so many doors for me to use my passions and gifts (discipling youth, sharing the Gospel, soccer) that it has been easy for me to believe the lies that I am of "no use" here.

First off, I had to go to God with these false beliefs.  Secondly, I had to take a step back in amazement to see that God, by his grace, is using me here.  Being involved with both the Middle School & College Students at Glenwood is such a privilege.  I love seeing them taking steps toward Christ and encouraging their friends to do the same.  Joining in with them in that role of discipleship is such an honor. I ask that you would take a step back and recognize the ways God is using you! And then thank Him!

I am so thankful for ministry opportunities at work and in my apartment of 6! In this process of support raising, I have begun to realize that the ministry that God has me a part of in Hungary doesn't begin when I land there.  Rather it has already began. 

Would you join me in what God is doing? Through prayer, receiving updates, financial support, or telling a friend.... then please click the link to receive more info: http://eepurl.com/AFfej

I have many prayer requests: 1) for churches and believers in Hungary, 2) for a nation of young people that so desperately need him, and 3) for my own spiritual development. If you would like to receive my prayer request then click the link above!

In Christ,

Marc Meland, Josiah Venture
"Equipping young leaders in Eastern Europe to fulfill Christ's Commission"

Address: 5105 NE 72nd Ave 52F, Vancouver, Wa 98661
Account: 142010

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A clearer picture

Hello Everyone,

Check out these visual aids created by the talented Aaron Jackson (They are awesome).  My hope is that these illustrations will bring to light my needs and different ways you can partner with me in Hungary.  I am in the process making phone calls and setting up appointments with you.  If you do not hear from me, do not hesitate to shoot me an email.  God has already provided by way of prayer, monthly, and one-time support, and I am blown away by your heart for a country that so desperately needs the love of Christ.  My goal is full support by the fall, but I cant do this without you.

Join these teams today...

Many Blessings,
Marc Meland, Josiah Venture
"Equipping young leaders in Eastern Europe to fulfill Christ's Commission"

Tel: 360.721.4064 Email: mmeland@josiahventure.com
Address: 5105 NE 72nd Ave 52F, Vancouver, Wa 98661
Account: 142010

Sunday, April 14, 2013

So much I want to share with you...

Hello Everyone! 

Hope all is well with you.  I am so excited for the opportunity to serve in Hungary, and would love to share with each of you where God is leading me.  Currently, I am in the process of setting up meetings and informing you on the details of this endeavor.  If you would like more information and/or to set up a time to meet, then let me know (Seeing that I dont have many peoples contact info, please click link to email me yours: mmeland@josiahventure.com).  I would love to have a conversation with you.

Below is a PDF's of my support letter.    

Marc Meland, Josiah Venture
"Equipping young leaders in Eastern Europe to fulfill Christ's Commission"

Tel: 360.721.4064 Email: mmeland@josiahventure.com
Address: 5105 NE 72nd Ave 52F, Vancouver, Wa 98661
Account: 142010

Monday, February 18, 2013

Next Steps...

The Boardroom! JV Orientation
Hi Friends!

It seems like forever ago I last updated all of you and it is crazy to think that I have been back in the US for only 2 months.  So much has happened since arriving back home and I am eager to fill you in...

This past week I attended the new staff orientation for Josiah Venture (JV) in Wheaton, Illinois.  I had a great time meeting all of the JV staff and all my fellow Missionaries in Training (MIT's).  It was so refreshing to be around a group of people that desire to see God transform countries in Central and Eastern Europe. I am so excited for the path that God is guiding me on, and am eager with expectation to see where continues to take me.  Having your prayers and support over the last nine months has been a blessing and as I start this next chapter I covet them now more then ever.  

A little over two months ago I returned from Hungary… Wow, seems like forever ago.   I am now getting settled back into life in the States, dealing with reverse culture shock, and am constantly amazed at God's provision.  Just after only a couple of weeks of being home God provided me with a Job.  His generosity and timing astounds me!  

I am now juggling: work, ministries at Church (Middle School & College/Young Adult), moving, JV Orientation, and now jumping back into support development to return to Hungary for 2 years. Although life is crazy busy, I am excited to see God work here in Vancouver and in Central and Eastern Europe. I realize that God has me here for the time being and I am thrilled to be a part of his work in the Vancouver area.  I also know there is so much more growing and developing that He needs to do in me before I head back and your prayers for that would be amazing.

Next Steps…

I am now running full speed into all that it takes to head back to Hungary!  If you would like to meet with me to talk about my experiences and how God is working in Hungary and/or where God is leading me next I would relish the opportunity to fill you in!  I know that God has huge plans for the youth in Central in Eastern Europe, would you join with me reaching them?  


Marc Meland, Josiah Venture
"Equipping young leaders in Eastern Europe to fulfill Christ's Commission"


PS: If you would like to receive more information or be added to my prayer/support list, then please email me!